Opening October 7 Votar este servidor
Información general
Categoría MU Online
Season season 3 exclusive
Experience 1000
Tipo de servidor PVE
País Gambia
Lenguaje Internacional
URL del sitio / foro
Estado En Linea
Publicado por muhell
Creado el 17-09-2023
Votos 0
Ranking 47
Exp: x1000 [Vip x1150];
Drop: 20% [Vip 25%];
Master Exp: x10 [Vip x15];
Master LvL max: 300;
Maximum level: 400;
Maximum number of resets: 100;
Grand reset with: 100 resets;
Maximum number of stats in 1 characteristic: 32767;
Maximum number in a party: 5;
Maximum number of Grand Resets: 50;
Reliable protection against all kinds of cheats and dupes;
It is possible to receive bonuses through voting for the server;
Spots of 5-6 monsters;
Fixed a bug for selling Wings (Zen);
We guarantee stable server operation 24/7/365;
Timely update of the server and website!
And much more awaits you on the x1000 Deus server!
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