Servidores indexados: 432

L2Family-DarkSaga Votar este servidor
Información general
Categoría Lineage 2
Crónica High Five
Experience 7
Tipo de servidor Normal
Plataforma L2J
País Alemania
Lenguaje Ingles
URL del sitio / foro
Estado En Linea
Publicado por L2FamilyDS
Creado el 05-10-2020
Votos 0
Ranking 86
Low rate High Five l2j server with some mid rate features for more fun and an easier gameplay. We promise you a long term server without any items or unbalanced features for sale.


- Exp. 7x, skill points 7x, drop 5x, adena 3x, spoil 3x
- Champions monsters with festival adena drop (max lv. 76)
- Accessories shop (available with festival adena)
- Olympiad Heroes every 2 weeks
- Auto learn skills (except forgotten scrolls)
- Auto learn Divine Inspiration
- Team vs Team event (festival adena reward)
- Custom PvE mana potions with 10s reuse delay (cannot use them in PvP)
- Drake Lord, Behemonth Leader and Dragon Beast got S84 Top Weapons drop
- Custom pvp title ranks and name color.